

お金の知識をつけたい人へのメッセージ。 お金の貯め方、稼ぎ方、増やし方、守り方、使い方を勉強し、シェアします。

I’m very happy to have bought the merchandise and ETFs in 2021 part2


by Rey

レイ・ベルフォート @ 推しはイェレナ (@BelfortRey) | Twitter

English translated by Wass up Ogden

わっさーオグデン🔰ブログ書いて英語勉強中 (@OgdenMorro) | Twitter




The following article is written for people who:
  • Want to find a good ETF
  • Want to be surrounded by cool stuff and chicks 
  • Want to prepare the future with solid investment plans







Subjects you can see from this article
  • Some items to improve work efficiency 
  • Some items make you relax 
  • I'm glad to have bought ETFs














Dress and grooming 


This chapter is about dress and grooming.

You will be motivated by grooming yourself.

Getting motivated →Got in shape →Improve work efficiency 



Electric shaver 



First of all, it looks cool.

It is nice and small to take anywhere with you.

Most importantly, it's cheap!

I'm excited just having it.






Sideburns grow fast, but this device is useful for doing my sideburns frequency.

A shaving is important, but also a fixing sideburns is important for gentlemen.





Nose hair trimmer






The Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (VTI) tracks the performance of the CRSP U.S. Total Market Index.

Everyone has talked about a good performance of the  American stock market last year.






My favorite things



Card case





I don't need a wallet anymore.

My favorite one made from a good leather which is nice and small.

I have only 3 cards in my card case.


  • My driver's license.
  • Credit card
  • Fishing store's rewards card (The shop of the most spend my money)




Coffee mill



I like drinking coffee.

This coffee mille is a little bit expensive but you should get these kind of high grade model.

It will be changed your world.




Electric warming wear




I go fishing frequently.

It's pretty warm.

Time is money, just like time is fishing results.

Let's get you comfortable with your fishing time, and stay warm if you buy this electric warning wear.

If you don't, you will be wasting time saying 『I'm cold, I'm cold.』

It's really warm at sea, in the middle of winter.

I was born in an advanced period.




VHT seeks to track the performance of a benchmark index that measures the investment return of the health care sector.

I expect the health care sector growth will be essential for the aging society in the future.

Any kind of investment has a has a risk. 

You should learn advantages and disadvantages of this ETF, before you invest.









I really like the things which are improving work efficiency or cool. The merchandise which I showed you at this time have both of these, so you should try if you like it.

Thank you for reading all of this article.

We will be glad you to give us comments or subscribe us.


Appreciate it and see you again ( ^^) _U~~





